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Zoom Teeth Whitening Explained

If you’re considering getting your teeth whitened, you’ve probably heard of Zoom teeth whitening treatments. Zoom whitening treatments are manufactured by the Philips brand, and are popular for their efficiency and consistent results. When most people talk about Zoom teeth whitening, they’re referring to the treatments that are only available from a dentist’s office. However, Zoom also offers a couple of at-home whitening treatments, which are distributed and supervised by dentists just like the in-office options.

How does Zoom teeth whitening work?

Just like with most other teeth whitening treatments, Zoom uses hydrogen peroxide as the active ingredient. There’s some variation between each type of treatment; the common denominator is the application of a specially formulated whitening solution. The solution may be stronger for faster results, or it could be more diluted to allow for a longer application period. One of the treatments also incorporates an LED whitening light for faster results.

They offer two different in-office treatments, and two at-home treatments. Here’s the run-down on each one:

  • Zoom WhiteSpeed

This is the option that will produce the most dramatic results, with your teeth turning up to 8 shades whiter in just 45 minutes. A small percentage of users report feeling an unpleasant tingling sensation during the treatment, but any subsequent discomfort typically disappears within a day. After the mouth has been prepped, the whitening gel is applied to the teeth. Then the dentist will use a specialized device to shine Zoom’s WhiteSpeed LED whitening light on the teeth, which speeds up the process. This will be repeated three times during the 45-minute treatment, followed by a post-treatment gel that reduces sensitivity and protects the enamel. You won’t just leave with a brighter smile, though; you’ll also take home custom-fitted trays and whitening gel, so you can give your smile a touch-up whenever it’s needed.

  • Zoom QuickPro

As you may have guessed from the name, this is the Zoom treatment that’s designed with speed in mind. You’ll only spend 10 minutes in the dentist’s chair while they prepare the mouth and gums, apply the whitening varnish, and then coat with a protective sealant. After that, the dentist’s job is done. Since the procedure doesn’t require a teeth whitening light, you can continue with the rest of your day – as long as you make sure to brush your teeth after 30 minutes to remove the varnish and sealant. This treatment can make your teeth up to 4 shades whiter, and is much more convenient compared to other in-office whitening treatments.

  • Zoom NiteWhite

The Philips Zoom Nite White 22 % formulation is designed to be applied overnight, so obviously it’s an at-home Zoom whitening treatment. It isn’t available over-the-counter, since a dentist will have to make a customized tray to fit your teeth. This is partly why it works so well – the whitening gel will be applied to every nook and cranny of your pearly whites. It can be worn for as little as two hours, or however long you happen to be asleep (this depends on which strength you’re using). Simply apply a teardrop-sized amount of gel in each impression in the tray, put the tray over your teeth, and go to sleep as usual. Brush your teeth when you take the trays out, and clean the trays as well. Do this nightly for two weeks or more, or as long as your dentist instructs you to; results will be visible in as little as two weeks.

  • Zoom DayWhite

This product is available in multiple strengths, so it’s important to follow the directions on the package. Use a gentler formulation for too little time, and you won’t get any results. Use a stronger formulation for too long, and you could experience sensitivity or damaged enamel. The process is the same as with Zoom NiteWhite – put the gel on the customized trays, then put the trays on your teeth. With Zoom DayWhite, this can be done for 30 to 90 minutes, either once or twice per day (depending on which strength you’re using). You’ll start seeing noticeable results by the two-week mark.

Difference between Zoom teeth whitening and whitening strips

Why are Zoom teeth whitening treatments so much more effective compared to over-the-counter options, such as whitening strips? It mostly comes down to the strength of the whitening agent. For example, dentist-supervised at-home products and over-the-counter products generally fall between 10% and 22% carbamide peroxide, only some of which is converted to hydrogen peroxide (the whitening agent). In contrast, in-office teeth whitening treatments use a concentration of hydrogen peroxide that’s between 15% and 43%. The stronger the concentration, the more powerful the effects. Plus, some in-office treatments use LED teeth whitening or blue light teeth whitening to activate the hydrogen peroxide, giving you better results in less time.

Whitening strips, whitening toothpastes, and similar products also use hydrogen peroxide to whiten your teeth, but they’re at much lower concentrations. This eliminates the need for a dentist’s supervision, and reduces the chances of sensitivity or damage from over-use.

How to prepare for your Philips Zoom whitening treatment

For most people, the preparation will be limited to avoiding deeply colored foods or beverages the day of the procedure, or brushing your teeth beforehand. However, the dentist may recommend having your teeth professionally cleaned if they notice a certain amount of plaque buildup. The presence of significant amounts of plaque would interfere with your results, so a teeth cleaning may be the first step to obtaining your ideal smile.

How to make your Zoom whitening results last longer

As mentioned above, if you get an in-office Zoom whitening treatment, you’ll be sent home with a kit that includes customized trays and whitening gel. These can be used once per month, starting whenever you notice that your initial results are beginning to fade. 

However, this isn’t the only thing you can do to ensure that your teeth stay perfectly white. Expert dentists also recommended avoiding foods or drinks that could stain your teeth, especially for the first five days following the procedure. Avoiding these foods will also reduce your chances of developing sensitive teeth after whitening. Things to avoid would include:

  • Acidic foods/beverages such as tomato sauce, citrus, sodas, or energy drinks
  • Heavily pigmented foods/beverages such as red wine, dark berries, soy sauce, or coffee
  • Foods that contain colorful spices like curry powder, turmeric, paprika, etc.

How much does Zoom whitening cost?

On average, a Zoom teeth whitening treatment costs around $500. You may end up with a different price depending on where you’re located, which type of treatment you get, and how many sessions you book. Some people end up paying about $300, while others pay closer to $1,000.

Choosing the right dentist for your teeth whitening treatments

Finding the best dentist for the job takes more than just searching “Zoom teeth whitening near me”; there are a few different factors to look for when making the decision.

  • They should ideally be cosmetic dentists, not those with a general dentistry practice. This ensures that you’ll be attended to by specialists.
  • They should have several years of experience in cosmetic dentistry.
  • They should offer plenty of options, so you can choose the one that’s the best fit for you.
  • They should have plenty of positive reviews – these are usually easy to find online.

Are you ready for a whiter smile?

If you’ve been looking into teeth whitening Plano services, you could be closer than you think to achieving the smile of your dreams! Many cosmetic dentists even provide a free phone consultation, which could be a great first step. Anyone who wants a safe, effective way to whiten their teeth has plenty of options; for those who want fast, dependable results, Zoom teeth whitening could be the way to go.